Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Continued Explorations


  1. I think you did a great job exploring on this set of boxes. The type that has been painted has a great texture and I think you should continue to explore other ways you can get texture!

  2. I love the idea of finger painting the words. It is a creative way of exploring and reminds me of when I was a child and painted this way. Those were also the days that Rice Krispies were my favorite cereal! The different colored cut paper idea is also very interesting. Keep exploring with that idea! Like Megan said, your strongest ones are the textured ones.

  3. I love the idea of finger painting the words. It is a creative way of exploring and reminds me of when I was a child and painted this way. Those were also the days that Rice Krispies were my favorite cereal! The different colored cut paper idea is also very interesting. Keep exploring with that idea! Like Megan said, your strongest ones are the textured ones.
